Payout Cards

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Gaming and Payouts\r\n \r\n

Pay out your winners with a branded debit card.\r\n \r\n\r\nPaying out your clients is harder than ever. You have restrictions on cash transactions and many customers are unwilling to hand out their bank details. So how can you give them what they’ve won?\r\n\r\nAnd how can you keep your company at the top of their minds every single day?\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nThe answer is a branded debit card.”, “_content”: “field_5f1aedbb5d4a2”, “page_type”: “1”, “_page_type”: “field_5f1aedda5d4a4”, “image”: 2266, “_image”: “field_5f2a868cddcbb”, “background_colour”: “white”, “_background_colour”: “field_5f1aede65d4a5” }, “align”: “full”, “mode”: “edit”, “wpClassName”: “wp-block-acf-hero alignfull” } /–> <!– wp:acf/half-image-half-text { "id": "block_63cfc2779d95e", "name": "acf\/half-image-half-text", "data": { "image": 2288, "_image": "field_5f27ef45f809f", "content": "

Your clients will receive their own debit card, emblazoned with your brand.\r\nYou load their payout onto the card and they can use their money however they choose.\r\n\r\nIt’s a simple way of paying out your customers and is compliant with all AML requirements across UK and the EEA.\r\n\r\nCrunch Payments has decades of experience building bespoke card systems. We allow you to focus on your business, whilst we take care of the boring but necessary payment systems.”, “_content”: “field_5f27ef54f80a0”, “text_position_left”: “0”, “_text_position_left”: “field_5f27ef5cf80a1” }, “align”: “full”, “mode”: “edit”, “wpClassName”: “wp-block-acf-half-image-half-text alignfull” } /–>