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Frequently Asked Questions”, “_content”: “field_5f1aedbb5d4a2”, “button”: “”, “_button”: “field_5f1aedcc5d4a3”, “page_type”: “0”, “_page_type”: “field_5f1aedda5d4a4”, “secondary_image”: “”, “_secondary_image”: “field_5f27f9cfffacd”, “background_colour”: “navy”, “_background_colour”: “field_5f1aede65d4a5” }, “align”: “full”, “mode”: “edit”, “wpClassName”: “wp-block-acf-hero alignfull” } /–> <!– wp:acf/faqs { "id": "block_5f24182636f3c", "name": "acf\/faqs", "data": { "accordions_0_question": "Who are we?", "_accordions_0_question": "field_5f1b061c66632", "accordions_0_answer": "We are Crunch Payments Ltd a prepaid card management program. Over the last 7 years, Crunch has helped numerous innovative FinTech’s and start-ups to launch their bespoke card programs by offering them access to our extensive ecosystem, as well as our established relationships with trusted Fintech providers.”, “_accordions_0_answer”: “field_5f1b062366633”, “accordions_1_question”: “How does Crunch work?”, “_accordions_1_question”: “field_5f1b061c66632”, “accordions_1_answer”: “Crunch provides the multiple key components required to launch a prepaid\/debit or virtual card under one umbrella. Crunch offers clients a single system and agreement, which gives clients access to our established relationship with trusted card issuers (bank), card manufacturers, card processors, as well as access to our latest Fintech innovation systems and compliance expertise.\r\n\r\nCrunch lets you concentrate on product, marketing and customer relationship, whilst relying on our expertise and experience to navigate your Fintech product launch.”, “_accordions_1_answer”: “field_5f1b062366633”, “accordions_2_question”: “What is on offer?”, “_accordions_2_question”: “field_5f1b061c66632”, “accordions_2_answer”: “Crunch offers a complete package for your card product launch, including: client portal, cardholder app, APIs, approved scheme connectivity, integration with our card issuer, card processor, card manufacturer, compliance and KYC providers.\r\n\r\nHowever, you could choose a more ‘à la carte’ menu. Pick and choose from a range of options including:\r\n